Proxximos’ first product is for healthcare settings

Wearables for staff and patients
Bespoke wearables have been designed and developed in collaboration with healthcare professionals for use by staff and patients in hospitals
High fidelity location using wearables
Pathogens spread by four means in hospitals: direct contact; indirect contact; droplets; and airborne. The wearable sensors keep track of the opportunities for pathogens to pass from one person to the next
Ergonomic and long battery life
The devices have been designed to complement existing ID pass wearing for staff, and existing patient ID tags for patients. The devices use low power radio, and battery life is in excess of a week, with recharge via standard USB chargers

Hubs collect important environmental context such as the state of ventilation
Ventilation status
The state of the ventilation is particularly important for understanding the risk of airborne transmission
Other measurements
Over time, hubs enable other environmental data collection, that may be relevant to the risks of cross-infection but have not been studied before (temperature, humidity, ambient noise, volatile chemical presence, etc)
The wearable communicate to hubs, and hubs communicate to the cloud via Wifi. Where Wifi is patchy, hubs can pass data along to another hub that has a connection

WebApp for healthcare users
A WebApp interface enables healthcare workers to conduct contact tracing automatically. When a new infection is discovered, the name of the infected patient or staff member is entered. The WebApp instantly produces the list of people who have been exposed, or places that maybe contaminated
The healthcare worker can see details of the relevant encounters so they can apply their judgement on the best infection control mitigation
Contact UsFeatures
Designed with and for healthcare workers and patients/public
Designed to avoid the need for addition wearables. It replaces the pass carrier for staff for example
Long battery life
Designed for a battery life exceeding a week (for staff) and potentially much longer of patients. Easily recharged using standard USB
Developed using medical grade polymers to enable cleaning and re-use rather than disposal. Long life and can be put through usual electronic recycling pathways at end of life
Contribution to net zero
Avoids the use of consumables caused by high levels of infection. Avoids family member visits to hospital to see overstaying patients.
Self monitoring
WebApp can see if devices have dropped off the system. Hubs can self-correct if moved
Privacy by design
Data secured in cloud service provided infrastructures. Data fully anonymised for long term research retention purposes
Expected Benefits
In-year cashable savings for NHS Trusts to enable more resource on direct care
Patient Outcomes
25% fewer patient deaths and other poor patient outcomes caused by Hospital Acquired Infections
In-year Savings
1% saving to Trust budget - immediate and repeating cost saving as no longer treating patients for infections
Capacity increase
5% increase in capacity - with fewer overstaying patients occupying beds the hospital capacity increases
Clinical time saving
90% of time saved compared to manual contact tracing - 30 hours of clinical time saved per infection case requiring tracing
Infection Prevention
Insights from the data to further inform infection prevention
Pandemic Defence
Protects a hospital from the next pandemic or local epidemic
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